Safeguarding Children with Disabilities

This course aims to assist practitioners who work with or who have contact with in gaining or enhancing their knowledge of how a disability may impact on a child’s life and how best to work with children and their families to safeguard those children from abuse and neglect.

The course covers the following:

  • Some key facts around disability
  • What is a disability and when is someone considered to have a disability?
  • How a disability may impact on a child's development and care
  • How a disability may make children vulnerable to abuse and how that abuse can happen
  • Why abuse is often not disclosed or ide
  • How practitioners may identify that a child with a disability is experiencing abuse
  • Best practice in responding to concerns about abuse or neglect of a child with a disability including direct work with families
  • Different resources that may be available.

“The most informative and interesting course I have ever been  on.

“My confidence in making referrals has definitely increased and I feel I am in a better position to effectively engage with the child protection process.