Understanding Child Sexual Exploitation and Practice Responses

Recent serious case reviews and independent reports in areas such as Rochdale and Rotherham and Oxford have given us some idea as to the scale of CSE in the UK; and have highlighted missed opportunities where young people could have been protected from abuse and action taken against their abusers.

The Jay Report 2014 highlighted how some 1400 cases of abuse could have been prevented, had early concerns and advice regarding this been acted upon.

We want to help practitioners, local authorities and local safeguarding children boards review and improve responses to CSE in their area

Get independent safeguarding consultancy now

We can offer a range of courses and consultancy packages

Our team includes Jayne Senior, former manager of the Risky Business project, Rotherham and former Senior Parliamentary Advisor and Adele Gladman, Independent CSE specialist who led a Home Office funded pilot into CSE in Rotherham in 2002, and who has worked with organisations nationally, including the Local Government Ombudsman.

We can offer you:

  • High impact learning events, which reflect evidence-based findings and recommendations
  • Practice guidance including development of policies and procedures
  • Guidance on engaging with and developing interventions with young people at risk, including preventative work
  • Practice reviews and audits, including independent inspections, and service or county-wide reviews
  • Advice on developing multi-service partnerships and strategies towards tackling CSE

Get in touch to find out more about how we can help you

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