Essential Skills in Safeguarding Children Practice for Designated Leads

This course is aimed at experienced practitioners who are the designated lead for safeguarding children in their workplace. It is also for other members of staff who may support that role or have deputised designated responsibility in the absence of the lead professional.

The aim of the course is to assist Designated Leads in developing robust safeguarding children skills which reflect best practice and develop their role within their organisation.

By the end of the course those attending will

  • Have updated knowledge of statutory responsibilities in safeguarding children practice
  • Understand their role as designated lead and how they can support others in achieving best practice in safeguarding children
  • Understand the responsibilities of their workplace in safeguarding children
  • Have considered emerging themes in child protection
  • Understand issues of risk, thresholds and can ensure that appropriate action is taken to safeguard children
  • Have updated knowledge of Working Together 2013 and Local Safeguarding Children Board procedures
  • Have considered good practice issues
  • Have had an opportunity to clarify any queries around safeguarding children issues

“This was a very well presented course and I really liked the personal style of the trainer.

“Fabulous session!