Effective Practice in Safeguarding Children from Domestic Abuse

According to the Home Office in 2011, domestic violence and abuse accounts for 18% of all reported violent crime. It is an issue which profoundly affects the lives of many children- putting them at risk of harm and causing long term damage. In a study of 139 serious case reviews in England 2009-2011, 63% of cases were found to have domestic violence and abuse as a risk factor.

This course will help those attending to develop a good understanding of domestic violence and abuse; the impact it has on children’s lives; and best practice in responding.

The course covers

  • What it meant by the term ‘domestic violence and abuse’, and how prevalent it is in today’s society
  • How and why it happens
  • Who the perpetrators and victims are
  • How victims respond to the abuse
  • What the indicators are that DVA is happening in a family
  • How children perceive DVA, the impact it has on their lives, and how they can react
  • Best practice in responding to concerns about DVA
  • Where further resources regarding this issue can be found

“Brilliant session and fantastic facilitator I needed a training course where the trainer knew more than I did about the subject area- this was it! Thank you

“Excellent and thought provoking