Call for contributions – Conference Leeds 5 January 2018



Call for papers: Responding to challenges for victims of child abuse and exploitation in the criminal justice system.

Conference date: Friday Jan 5th, 2018

Location: Trinity University (Leeds, W. Yorkshire)

Organisation: Basis Training and Adele Gladman Safeguarding Children Training and Consultancy Ltd


This is an opportunity to contribute to an innovative, practice focused, national conference to be held in Leeds in 2018. Basis and Safeguarding Children Training and Consultancy are two of the leaders in the field of raising knowledge and expertise around issues of child sexual abuse and exploitation, grooming, practice responses, and enabling victims to have better outcomes through professional interventions.

Thanks to a collaboration with Leeds Trinity University, we have the exciting potential to run a large number of presentations and workshops, and already have a range of high profile speakers confirmed including representatives from central government, survivors, experienced practitioners, and academia so that participants can learn of the newest emerging research.

The objective of the conference is to highlight the experience of victims in the criminal justice system, explore some of the good practice currently being developed, and identify the challenges that lie ahead. In sharing innovative work across the UK, participants will gain a range of ideas and resources to take back into practice.

The intended audience will be approximately 200 and we are targeting academics and students; practitioners from the public, private and charitable sectors; police, CPS, therapeutic and victim support services; education; health; adult and children’s social care.

We have capacity for 2-4 more speakers. Would you be interested in contributing? We would love to hear from you if you can talk about innovative or unique research, practice or pilots that you are involved in. Your presentation, which should last around 30 minutes, can be based on professional practice, personal experience or original research.


Deadline to submit: 15th October 2017   – final confirmation end of October.

We would like you to set out in a few paragraphs:

–       Your background and experience

–       A general description of your presentation and main points/outcomes/findings

–       How your presentation would fit with the themes of the conference but offer a different perspective



Please direct all abstracts to both:


Any questions please call: Amber @ Basis Training on 0113 – 2 43 0036 or Adele on 07966 386584


We look forward to hearing from you!

“Perfectly prepared me for my next court case.

“Adele's delivery was great. I would recommend this course to all professionals working with children and young people.